Dr. Chris Rauscher

Dr. Chris Rauscher worked as a hospital and community pharmacist and then went on to medical training with Internal Medicine and Geriatric Medicine qualifications. His main clinical practice has been in the community with the frail elderly with multiple chronic health conditions.

He has always worked in three streams: clinical, multi-disciplinary team development and systems development. In the early 2000s, he started to work with the Ministry of Health and the Health Authorities on developing systems for chronic disease management. This encompassed policy and systems framework development and guidelines and training module development through the BC Guidelines and Protocols Advisory Committee and the Doctors of BC, working on a research to practice information translation approach.

Chris has led a number of projects related to chronic disease management and self-management support as well as medication management, mainly directed at family physicians. These projects have included implementation and outcomes evaluation. Leveraging his experience in developing chronic disease management health systems, Chris was a member of a Canadian team that supported the development of such systems in Kazakhstan in 2015, with the team including members from CCMI.