Person- and Family-Centred Care

Deliver health care that respects people’s values and preferences.

Person- and family-centred care is guided by the person’s values, strengths, ideas and preferences. It occurs in a respectful partnership that makes certain the personal choice and informed decision-making shape how care is planned and delivered. It focuses on the person and their self-defined family to the degree they choose

CCMI’s person- and family-centred care workshops provide participants with concepts to guide the development of person- and family-centred health care at individual, system, and community levels. Courses offer suggestions for shared language and tips for demonstrating skills for person- and family-centred health care.



Person and Family Voice in Quality Improvement Workshop or Webinar:

  1 day (8 hours) workshop or 2 x 4-hour webinars.

  Appropriate for professionals in a quality improvement role.

Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic QI approaches.

Providing person- and family-centred health care means including the patient’s voice in real and substantial ways. This workshop teaches how to think effectively about, plan for, and succeed at engaging people and families for practice improvement. Learners will draft a concrete plan for an engagement in their setting. 

Person- and Family-Centred Health Care: Customized Support for Implementation

A CCMI team member will work with the appropriate members of your organization or the people you serve to provide customized person- and family-centred health care implementation support. Examples might include skills workshops, development of curriculum, patient and family representative engagement, or quality improvement consultation.

Contact us for more information