Person and Family Voice in Quality Improvement Workshop or Webinar

Person and Family Voice in Quality Improvement Workshop or Webinar:

  1 day (8 hours) workshop or 2 x 4-hour webinars.

  Appropriate for professionals in a quality improvement role.

Prerequisite: Knowledge of basic QI approaches.

Providing person- and family-centred health care means including the patient or client’s voice in real and substantial ways. This workshop teaches how to think effectively about, plan for, and succeed at engaging people and families for practice improvement. Learners will draft a concrete plan for an engagement in their setting. 

This course can be offered as a workshop or a webinar, and it can accommodate 6-12 learners in a group.

Contact us for more information about registration.

What Learners are Saying

“This is a fabulous workshop that should be offered to more staff! Practical knowledge that I could apply while also having the contextual knowledge of principles and theory.”[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

  • Define engagement. 
  • Describe the process of engagement.
  • Describe the levels of engagement.
  • Discuss ways to reach different populations. 
  • Identify opportunities for improved engagement.
  • Discuss ways to reach different populations. 
  • Describe ways to prevent tokenism.
  • Describe how to construct a question.
  • Practice writing questions for engagement.
  • Describe key characteristics of a facilitator.
  • Describe options for providing feedback after an engagement.
  • Describe ways to handle delayed results.
  • Describe barriers to engagement.
  • Create a plan for engaging others, including:
    • Logistics
    • Accessibility
    • Feedback
    • Overcoming barriers

This is can either be delivered as an interactive skills-based workshop or webinar that is designed for participants who want to consider practical applications for their interactions. CCMI uses learner-centred, performance-based approaches to adult education. The workshop includes:

  • Learning activities that evoke understanding and build skills.
  • Practice activities that increases practical understanding and allow trainers to provide constructive feedback.
  • Facilitated discussions about how new skills and knowledge can be applied in learners work or volunteer setting.

See our CCMI Services page for an overview of all of our offerings and details like workshop prerequisites, duration, and capacity.