SBIRT: Skills for Addressing Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Use

SBIRT: Skills for Addressing Alcohol, Drug, and Tobacco Use:

  Dependent on scope of request.

  Front-line clinicians.

This is a custom offering for front-line health care clinicians who need skills for screening, brief intervention, and referral to treatment for alcohol, drug, and/or tobacco use. This is a customized consultation. Prior to booking workshop dates, your organization will work together with a CCMI trainer to determine an area of focus and which screening tools and skills are most appropriate for your cohort.

Capacity for this course is dependent on the scope of request.


Contact us for more information about how to arrange for your group to take this course.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

Learning objectives may include:

  • Describe a new paradigm for addressing alcohol in the primary care setting, evidence-base for brief interventions for alcohol use in primary care practice.
  • Define Brief interventions.
  • Describe the evidence-base for Brief Interventions for alcohol use in primary care practice.
  • Describe the current recommendations for alcohol consumption for adult men and women.
  • Contrast motivational interviewing consistent and inconsistent BI practices.
  • Identify principles for MI consistent advice-giving.
  • Describe ask-offer-ask as the outline for a BI.
  • Demonstrate ask-offer-ask.
  • Describe the use of ask-offer-ask in situations other than as a BI for ETOH.
  • Apply skills to practice.

This is an interactive skills-based workshop that is designed for participants who want to consider practical applications for their work. CCMI uses learner-centred, performance-based approaches to adult education. The workshop includes:

  • Learning activities that evoke understanding and build skills.
  • Practice activities that increases practical understanding and allow trainers to provide constructive feedback.
  • Facilitated discussions about how new skills and knowledge can be applied in learners work or volunteer setting.

See our CCMI Services page for an overview of all of our offerings and details like workshop prerequisites, duration, and capacity.